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First DJ in Canada to be recognized by International Trade Magazine DJ Life

First DJ in Canada to be recognized by International Trade Magazine DJ Life

Bil Copeland, the founder of Digital Vinyl was featured in social media  and the magazine DJ Life which features Global DJs from all over the world along with trends and news.  During the interview Bil spoke about how things have evolved since the times of carrying vinyl around and where the name Digital Vinyl came from.   

Digital Vinyl was thought about in 2013 as a new direction for the future.  That year he designed a revolutionary and proprietary DJ setup that carrys all the music, a controller and connects needed for any event.  It allows the system to be rolled into a venue and setup in less than 5 minutes.  It also fits on a 4 foot table.  The system is connected to the cloud and updates in real time from the offices in Burlington Ontario.  There are only 11 of these systems in existence.  Bil designed and fabricated all of them!  Now, 10 years later, almost all new controllers are coming with screens for the DJs to work from...something Bil designed 10 years ago!

Developing a personally designed planning portal, , allows Digital Vinyl to assist clients in the planning process and music selection making every event unique and most of all...personal!

Congrats to Bil on the recognition and innovation.